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“From the sea to the farm to the market”
Fully managed and serviced
Fully managed and serviced
We plan for you
We help find the finance for you
We build for you
We grow for you
We harvest for you
We sell for you
We generate wealth for you
We utilize pure untreated seawater, saline and brackish water to solve the world’s food and fresh water crises to:
Grow fruit and vegetables,
Raise sheep, goats, cattle, poultry and even camels to provide meat, dairy products, leather, wool and lanolin oil products,
Farm fish, mollusks, and crustaceans,
Grow plants and algae for bio-fuels
Create sustainable local industries, using seawater greenhouses, landscaping, hydroponics, aquaponics, salt-marsh grazing and renewable energy.
Provide dignified, equal opportunity jobs for local communities.
Conserve potable water resources.
Restore and protect the environment.
Design and Build smart and sustainable local communities integrated with the farms with schools, hospitals, communications, and markets.
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